Saturday, October 1, 2016


The potential energy is given by the function U(x)=kx⁻¹, where k is a constant, and variable x is the position, the coordinate. Derive the function of the coordinate x, which describes the force produced by this potential energy.

F(x)= - d U(x) / dx
F(x)= - d kx⁻¹ / dx = kx⁻²

F(x)= kx⁻²

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Vector Sum

It is an exercise for the development of intuitive, visual understanding of vectors and their properties, and, at the same time, for the development of eye estimation. Add up together the six vectors shown on the diagram. Find the order number of the spot pointed by the sum vector? The beginning point (tail) of the sum vector is located at the 0 spot. Beginning points (tails) of the initial vectors are located at 0 spot too.
Задача на развитие интуитивного, образного понимания векторов и их свойств и, одновременно, на развитие глазомера. Сложите шесть изоброженных радиус-векторов. Найдите номер пятна, который достигает голова вектора-суммы. Начало вектора суммы, как и исходных векторов, расположено на пятне с номером 0?

Math Tutor

Monday, June 27, 2016

Quiz Problem

Try to change the question sign by using one mathematical symbol in order to obtain a strict correct equality.